I first met Carolyn nearly 30 years ago when I moved to Atlanta, where she was already a good friend of my husband from their days at Marquette University. Although we live in different parts of this sprawling city, we occasionally cross paths or meet for dinner to catch up and talk about our children. While we don’t often see each other face-to-face, I've long admired her from afar.

Carolyn has become a major advocate in the battle against breast cancer, not just in Atlanta but nationwide. For nearly 25 years she has been dedicated to organizing, advocating, and striving to put an end to breast cancer. This year alone, she has participated in the 3-Day events in Boston, Denver, Dallas, and San Diego. Despite her tireless efforts, she is humble in her achievements -- reserving all accolades for her teammates and those facing the disease.

Q: Tell me a little bit about your team:

A: I was so inspired by my initial walk that I started team Feet to Beat Cancer in 2005 to get friends and family to join me. Throughout the next several years, the team grew to include more than 40 members in 15 different states --  many with personal connections to breast cancer.  Six are survivors and two are living with metastatic breast cancer. Sadly, we have lost two teammates – both young moms – to this horrible disease.

After my sister Kelly was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, I decided to channel my energy into walking more cities and raising more money. Thankfully, I have some of the greatest humans on the planet on this team who jumped on that opportunity with me. To date, we have raised $1.5 million dollars. I could not be more proud of every member of this team. Whether they walked once or 20 times, they stepped up (literally) and their efforts are saving lives.  

Q: Who or what exemplifies strength to you?

A: I am deeply moved by the strength I witness in the Survivors and those living with metastatic breast cancer participating in the 3-Day. These beautiful women and men candidly share their personal journeys. They talk about how this disease has upended their lives, and in many cases, they physically struggle to walk. They live with the fear that this disease will come back or that the treatment options will run out. They are keenly aware of conversations they may have to have with their children and loved ones. Yet they show up! -- for themselves, for their families, for their friends and for each other. They show up even when it’s really hard physically and emotionally. That is true strength!

Q: Walking hundreds of miles a year must be grueling at times. What inspires you to continue?

A: I continue to walk every year in memory of the loved ones we have lost, in honor of the courageous survivors, in support of those fighting the battle and in hope of a world free from this disease. I share the road with many men and women who are living longer and better lives because of the money raised. It’s incredibly motivating.

Thank you Carolyn and Team Feet to Beast Breast Cancer!

The amazing work you have done to build awareness and put an end to this devastating disease is inspirational. You are our heroes – and those of us at 3Realms will continue to cheer you on.

Click HERE if you'd like to help this amazing team with their extraordinary efforts!

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